Thursday, January 11, 2007

Random thoughts from the anthill

Some thoughts on a few random items.

Stephane Dion will be in Edmonton tonight Thursday, January 11th, 2007, 7:30 p.m., at the Italian Canadian Seniors Association Centre, 9111 – 110 Avenue. All are welcome.

As much as I would love to be there I am still fighting with the sinus infection from hell so my rest is more important than seeing what the temporary leader of the LPC has to say. Anyone want to make a guess as to whether Anne McLellan shows up?


It seems that the much loved Liberal MP Jean Lapierre is quiting the LPC. Not much to say here that hasn't been said already, but Liberals sure seem to be quick to stick a knife in each others backs for political gain aren't they?


File this one under liberal judicial stupidity gone too far. Ht to Fred at Gay and Right

Even though a paternity test ruled out Anthony L- Parker as the father of a child in a child-support dispute, the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled today he still has to pay support owed the mother before he took the test. Source

I wonder how rulings like this will effect the 3 (or more) parent families that has been thrust upon Canadian society?


This is a good start, and it shows that this government continues to be working hard for Canadians, but more is going to be needed on this issue. Sure the provinces fight this stuff tooth and nail, but what is right is right.


This is the type of stuff that just baffles the opposition parties, but I have known it all along. I also believe that many more Canadians are seeing it as well and will continue to notice as our PM goes about doing his job and showing us what type of leader he really is.

Expect much more of the Campaign of fear™ from the liberals in the future.

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